Missives from Dane

After six continents, 50 U.S. states, and over 100 countries and counting - I finally decided to start writing about the amazing people, crazy adventures, and unbelievable opportunities that have filled my life. Missives from Dane is a series of insights, ramblings, and hopefully occasionally inspiring thoughts from my life - on issues that are personal, professional, and just simply strange. I hope you enjoy them (or hopefully at least one of them).

M Dane Waters M Dane Waters

the new world order: the west’s isolation and africa’s future

The world is shifting. The structures of power that once seemed immovable are beginning to fracture. The influence of the West, particularly the United States, is waning, and as it retreats into isolationism, new global players are stepping forward to reshape the world order.

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The peril of self-interest: Trump’s individualism vs. Europe's collective security in a fractured world

The war in Ukraine has laid bare a fundamental divide in how global powers view their responsibilities. At the heart of this contrast are two sharply different approaches: President Donald Trump’s hard-nosed individualism, rooted in economic self-interest, and Europe’s often clumsy but deeply felt commitment to collective security.

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AI: the looming threat to global elections

In the rapidly evolving world of artificial intelligence (AI), there are few domains as vulnerable to its potentially destabilizing influence as elections. Over the coming years, AI’s role in global political processes is poised to expand—and not necessarily for the better.

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DeepSeek or DeepSpin: my experience with DeepSeek AI’s pro-china bias

Artificial intelligence promises to bring the world to our fingertips, offering answers with unprecedented speed and precision. Tools like China’s DeepSeek AI claim to represent the next frontier of this technology—streamlined, efficient, and capable of understanding complex questions. But from my own experience, the reality of DeepSeek AI is far more troubling. It’s not just what the platform says but what it refuses to say that should give us pause.

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ceding territory to Russia won’t bring peace—it will ignite the next invasion

This is precisely what ceding Ukrainian territory to Russia would represent on the global stage. Ukraine is not just fighting for its land—it is fighting for the principle that borders cannot be redrawn by force. Allowing Russia to annex portions of Ukraine sends a dangerous message: that might makes right, and that sovereignty and territorial integrity are negotiable.

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Putin's halfway house for the world’s dictators, murderers, and genocide lovers: a growing roster of infamy

Where do disgraced dictators and fugitive tyrants go when their regimes collapse? Increasingly, the answer lies in Moscow. Under Vladimir Putin’s leadership, Russia has solidified itself as a haven for fallen autocrats—those whose crimes and corruption leave them exiled but still valuable in the Kremlin’s geopolitical game.

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from the ashes of Syria to the sands of Libya: the UN's critical and urgent role in counteracting Russian expansionism

The unexpected downfall of the Assad regime in Syria has reverberated throughout the Middle East, representing a significant blow to Russia's geopolitical ambitions in the area. This volatile environment fosters further instability, and Russia, with its opportunistic foreign policy, is already scouting for new avenues to extend its influence - Libya beware!

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the world on the precipice: why Ukraine’s fight is everyone's fight - even America’s

As we get closer to a new American Presidency and increased talk of how to end the war in Ukraine, we must not forget the reason we need to continue our support for Ukraine. The conflict in Ukraine, ignited by Russia's unprovoked invasion, is not merely a regional dispute. It's a pivotal moment in history, a test of the global order and the principles of territorial integrity and national sovereignty.

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the authoritarian egos that tip the dominos of evil

The dominos are falling in the favor of evil and we must not continue to ignore the conflicts caused by legacy and ego-obsessed authoritarians and must stop the next domino before a new world order arrives where freedom is no longer the norm. Waiting is far more dangerous than acting decisively with effective deterrence now!

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time to switch to strategic certainty

Ambiguity in a world with leaders like Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping (習近平) will inevitably lead to them bringing their version of certainty to the conflicts and regions filled with ambiguity — and it is critical that democratic nations around the world not allow this to happen. Certainty, where and when there is none, must be defined by democratic nations, and not those whose interests are counter to freedom, fairness and human rights.

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the beacon of freedom must not be extinguished

Every country has the fundamental right to set their own domestic and foreign policy. But when the actions of leaders clothed in the regalia of tyranny and oppression imperil the basic human rights of their citizens and when their actions impact the state of world affairs and the safety and security of another country and by extension the world as a whole – as in the case of a dictator like Putin - governments and defenders of the free world must speak up and act.

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the foundation of leadership

If we support the strong leaders of today, the legacy of the leadership values of those we have lost, and nurture future leaders, I have no doubt that the world will pull back from the precipice and instead find “peace, progress, and prosperity”.

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the word that changed the world

To make change, real change, love is the driving force. History has proven this and so will the future. We must embrace it, and not be scared of it. It is the only emotion that can truly save our world.

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can changing a seat change america

This seems simple but sometimes the simplest solutions are the hardest. Integration is not easy – whether it is social, religious or personal. It is easy to be divided – it is hard to be united.

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the elephant in the room

During these challenging times, the world needs a unifying purpose. Though we might think the grand issues -- the environment, human rights, universal living wage, military reduction, and government accountability — would be that unifier. But such issues actually divide us – everyone has their own definition of what the answer is to these challenges.

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you can change the world

The realization of one’s potential, that self-confidence, the trust in yourself is the tipping point to a safer, more secure and stable, prosperous world. But it is up to each of us, in our small way, to foster that tipping point.

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burma and the road to humanity

On this important day, we should take solace in the fact that despite the immense challenges of protecting elephants globally from extinction, there is hope that the bulwark is growing stronger as evidenced by what is happening in Myanmar – a country at the precipice of a frontier of uncertainties.

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